Saturday, March 24, 2007

Vulture Culture

Vulture culture is now a way of life in America. The most obvious example is the Anna Nicole Smith fiasco. Howard K. Stern the lawyer/lover/leech (or am I being redundant?) found the perfect carrion-to-be and has been snacking away happily ever since. Even “sideshow Sidlin”, the judge who is allegedly shopping around for a TV gig pulled out all the stops in getting every range of emotion broadcast to potential producers. This guy makes Judge Ito of O.J. fame look like Supreme Court material. It would not seem out of the range of possibility to imagine the mother may have her sights on some kind of Texas -size Graceland in mind if she wins her daughter’s corpse. Even though she has finally been buried the fight goes on for possession . Possession of the child with the hundred million dollar potential is the new battle.
The vulture culture is predominate in politics as well. The anti-gunners in politics quietly wait in the background until a gun related tragedy occurs. Then they swoop in with ’common sense” measures which tighten the laws on only certain types of weapons or ammunition or even outlets for the “safety of the public”. ( Won’t someone think of the children?) They know that an incremental strangulation of the Second Amendment is more likely to be successful than an outright attack.
The most insidious manifestation of the vulture culture involves the current attempt to pull troops out of Iraq. The Left’s constant screaming tally of fallen soldiers in Iraq is the best tactic they have. Growing up during the Vietnam War I can remember the daily/weekly body count tally on the nightly news. But even during Uncle Walter’s broadcast the number of ENEMY dead was also shown. The number of the dead on the enemy side was always much higher than the US casualties giving some the impression that we must be winning. That kind of thinking will not be tolerated in the majority of newsrooms today In today’s news the only number that matters is the number of Americans that die. If they do give any other number it is the number of Iraqi troops or Iraqi civilians. The impression being that they are the only casualties. The US forces has decided, rightly, to not go into the “body count as a measure of success business “ala Vietnam. The only problem is that the media will rarely if ever report any positive news coming out of Iraq. This leaves the impression that our troops are being pummeled by a rag tag band of fanatics.
The solution? Well the early success of the surge is being under reported so that may be the hint that success is near. The troops need to fight an unfettered war. Taliban massing in a cemetery? Level it! Taking fire from a Mosque? Airstrike! The PC approach that has been employed so far is only prolonging the fight. To fight an enemy that knows no borders you must be willing to attack them where ever they are. Vultures be damned.


Anonymous said...

Great article.

Anonymous said...

I love it, well said about the Vulture Culture. It is impossible for ordinary citizens to know the whole story of the war when our media, as you said, is only showing one side of it. Unfortunately, these people will go into the voting booths with this one-dimensional knowledge and unintelligently vote.

Anonymous said...

These kinds of blogs (and I speak about all 3 when I say this) make me realize why you were a great social studies teacher. And you still could be. :)