Monday, March 26, 2007

Bush Lied

Bush lied troops died. Fine. All the intel from allies and even the Clinton administration on which the invasion was based years ago was manipulated by then Gov. Bush in order to pull off his scheme. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Ever. Those Kurds that died en mass during Saddam's reign died as a result of ... bird flu that's the ticket. The Twin Towers were brought down by the Bush administration with help from Haliburton and accompanied by black helicopters from the World Government and the Freemasons blah blah blah. Pick your favorite conspiracy. The fact remains we are in Iraq.
Despite the early mistakes and the best efforts of the Democrats. there may be light at the end of the tunnel that is not a train. Since the surge, the number Iraqi civilian deaths is less than half of the pre-surge total. The full complement of troops will not be in place till May or June which oddly enough is the same time the Dems in the House want to begin the retreat.
The race is now on to see if the troops can secure Bagdad and hold it before the Democrats can either pass their retreat in disgrace policy or Iran widens the war. With 30-50% unemployment and a young disgruntled population, Iran's current government can not hold on without building some national unity. Just as the European monarchs did when a large, young, redundant male population threatened , President Imanutjob of Iran needs a good war. The moves in Congress can only embolden him.

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