Friday, July 27, 2012

Lessons from Aurora

            What lessons can be drawn from the tragic shooting in Aurora, Colorado that would make such an incident less likely to occur in the future?   Following the hi-jacking of the first two flights on September 11, 2001, word got to the passengers on Flight 93 and the passengers heroically made a stand.  Knowing the likely fate that would ensue with inaction, they chose to attack the terrorists and though they perished in the attempt likely saved the lives of their fellow Americans in Washington, as well as an historic landmark.   Going forward from that day, it is highly unlikely that another passenger jet will be hi-jacked as long as there are a number of passengers alive on it.  The attempted underwear bomber was initially subdued by passengers in his attempt on Christmas Day in 2009.  Even more recently, passengers on a Chinese airliner attacked a group of Uighur would-be hijackers earlier this month, beating two of them to death and subduing the rest.
            So what is the solution to attacks such as the cinema shooting? Although the solution causes hysteria and outrage every time it is mentioned it is still the most viable deterrent: armed citizens.  The anti-gunners would instantly picture the Wild West with shootouts over parking spots at every Walmart on a daily basis.  Hyperbolic reactionaries aside, most reasonable people do not believe that scenario is likely.
             The percentage of American households owning firearms is hard to actually pinpoint due to, in part, the unwillingness of some gun owners to be identified as such, but most polls put the percentage between 35 to 50%.  One, or preferably more concealed carry permit holders in the cinema would have drastically cut the death toll.   A senseless massacre such as this takes only seconds or minutes to occur and gives no time for a reaction from law enforcement unless the local force is attending the event in question.   According to the site,”Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology, U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.”  This figure is rarely if ever reported but the over 10,000 murdered by firearms every year is proclaimed constantly.  Clearly, not every gun owner would wish to take on the added responsibility of being a concealed carry holder.  But for those who would, the process should be streamlined and nationwide state reciprocity, much like our driver’s license should be encouraged.  The establishment of “gun free” zones and the bureaucratic discouragement or outright outlawing of concealed carry by responsible citizens ensures that criminals who will not obey any law or ordinance can continue to wreak havoc on helpless citizens.

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