Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Rejection 08

Rejection 08

Where did we go wrong? Conservatives have a lose/lose dilemma in November. The odds are a Liberal will be elected as our next president. Oh sure there is a difference among the three remaining choices. We have Barak Obama the most Liberal member of the Senate according to his voting record. We have Hillary Clinton the malleable Liberal/Moderate/Experienced/Change candidate (depending on the current polls or audience members). Then we have the Liberal Light candidate John McCain: Everything you always wanted in a Liberal and less.
The field will be narrowed to only one of the two remaining Democrats by summer. But regardless of which of them faces McCain, for Conservative voters the choice is between second class and steerage tickets on the Titanic. Oh sure, we know the boat’s going down but at least we can choose the level of amenities.
With either Democrat as president, evil corporations will be taxed at a higher rate as well as the “rich”. The problem is that only individuals pay taxes. Taxes levied on business are a cost of doing business and are thus transferred to the consumer. As far as punitive taxes on the “rich”? Well, the top five percent in this country pay almost seventy percent of the taxes. Can anyone say “fair share”? The resulting climate for business will strangle any chance of a quick recovery from the current economic situation. While we are on the subject, the unemployment rate has finally reached the horrible level that it held during the economic boom years of the last Clinton presidency…hmmm. We’ll have to look into that. There are few real differences policy wise between Clinton and Obama. Do you want the upper or lower bunk in steerage? It boils down to the scandals we all knew and loved, or the new and exciting ones we don’t.
Which brings us to John McCain. Except for his current (and getting nuanced by the minute) stance on the war, there is no difference to be seen from any other Liberal. He was against making the tax cuts permanent, tried to force feed his Amnesty Bill through the Senate and consistently co-sponsors bills with the most Liberal wing of the Democrat party. Today’s rumor is that Condeleeza Rice may be the VP. While this leans the ticket a little to the right, it is no guarantee that she can steer policy.
Rush Limbaugh’s Operation Chaos may be succeeding in prolonging the Democratic fight but if it is too successful, we may end up with a Democrat candidate too scarred to win. So if we are determined to have a Liberal president I for one would rather have a Democrat. The Republican party could then take the loss as a lesson and start a shift back to reality.

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